Clear communication in a single environment

CATEGORIE communicatieproductiviteit
- The messaging feature is indispensable within MyBuildAssist. Clear messaging ensures good communication and sets the right expectations for the client. This way, all parties will never overlook an email again. - File creation; - Third parties can look along as desired to prevent miscommunication; - You can find all communication in no time; - Everyone has a complete communication overview, tailored to their involvement.

Duplicate communication is a thing of the past

You and a colleague are working on a project and communication is happening through various channels. It’s convenient because the work can be divided. Less convenient if a client emails and you don’t know if your colleague has already addressed it. With MyBuildAssist, you can see who has communicated what and what is still pending. This helps you avoid miscommunication and duplicate work.

Quick updates

The messaging function replaces the back-and-forth emailing to clients and third parties. Sending a quick update about the project or a specific residence is just as easy. For example, if clients expect piles to be driven into the ground on a certain date and they don’t see them when looking in the album or cycling by, questions will come your way. Easily prevent that with a message about a possible delay or change in the construction process.

Everything clear

The client is in the midst of an exciting process. So, it’s great when everything goes smoothly. Thanks to the communication link, the client can see exactly where the residence is in the process. And what actions they need to take as future residents. Whether it’s signing a document or selecting new bathroom tiles, the actions are clear. This way, the client knows what to expect. And this busy period becomes a lot more manageable. As a project manager, you’ll benefit from the minimal questions you receive.

Create clarity in the communication around your project.
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